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Sometimes I need some kind of Windows 10 Tips or Tricks fastly. That is why I write this article. With this article I can find Windows 10 Tips or Tricks.
How to find large files
Find files with size 1 GB or more using cmd.
C:\Users\fs> forfiles /S /M * /C "cmd /c if @fsize GEQ 1073741824 echo @path"
How to find files in Windows10 Fastly
Fastly search any words in files or folder using cmd.
C:\Users\fs> dir *ekran* /s /p
Directory of C:\Users\fs\Desktop
07.08.2020 16:20 8.623 Ekran Alıntısı.PNG
1 File(s) 8.623 bytesDirectory of C:\Users\fs\Desktop\python-learn\ekranFace
17.03.2020 15:18 729.299 ekran.png
1 File(s) 729.299 bytes
How to Delete Temporary Files and Local Temp Files
Press Windows key + R to open the Run command. Then type “temp” in the search field and press OK.